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Campaigns, Palestine solidarity, Quick Actions

Help us resist UK gag on Israel investments

481a1b35ca70a4eae9818d698c36550737f7d1b2National PSC has appealed to supporters to resist a move by the UK government to prevent civil society from objecting to local government investments in Israel:

Whenever we’ve needed your solidarity in the past, you, PSC members and supporters have always stood up for Palestine!

For example, during the massive campaign to get Veolia to stop its involvement with the illegal Israeli settlements on stolen Palestinian land, you took on and won a great BDS success with Veolia pulling out of its contracts in Israel last year. This was achieved thanks to years of work around the country, and the world, with dozens of local councils refusing contracts with Veolia because of its involvement in the settlements.

We are now working on more campaigns to stop companies involved in human rights abuses and activities illegal under international law, by targeting the likes of G4S and Hewlett Packard.

But the government is trying to stop us. And so we need you to take action.

In a move which will seriously undermine local democracy, we are threatened with a change of rules which would prevent us from having a say in the way our local authorities invest our money. With this change companies like Veolia would have been safe and able to carry on with their complicity with Israel’s criminal behaviour with impunity!

Once again we are asking you to join us and to take action for democracy and freedom:

Please send a message to the government consultation, the deadline is 19 February – it takes 2 minutes!

Share this message far and wide, to all your friends and contacts asking them to take action

About Faversham and Whitstable Palestine Solidarity Campaign

We are one of over forty branches of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign across England and Wales, campaigning for Palestinian self determination, national, human and civil rights.


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